Hexadecimal Subtraction Calculator

Use our free tool to subtract two hexadecimal numbers.


Hex Subtraction Calculator

Subtracting hex?

There are many situations you might find yourself needing to have a basic grasp of how to subtract hexadecimal numbers. If you work in technical fields such as hardware and software development, hexadecimal plays a key role in computer systems and is commonly used in contexts like memory addressing, colour representations, checksums for data integrity, firmware and circuit design and in lots of data storage systems. If you deal with any of these systems it would be wise to be on top of basic hexadecimal mathematical operations.

How to subtract hex numbers?

Hexadecimal subtraction follows a similar process to decimal subtraction that you likely learned in school. There are some obvious intricacies that you should be aware of to help you subtract hexadecimal numbers efficiently.

Hexadecimal subtraction rules

  1. Learn the Hexadecimal Digits - Learn the 16 hexadecimal symbols (0-9 and A-F)
  2. Borrowing - If the subtraction requires you to borrow from a higher place value

Step by step hex subtraction process

Step 1: Align the numbers. In this process align the numbers by the rightmost digit. Step 2: Perform the subtraction digit by digit from right to left. First in the units place (1s) then the 16s place, the 256s place and so on. Step 3: Combine the result from each column.

Hexadecimal subtraction with steps

Worked example 1:

Follow this simple worked example to subtract F - B.

Hex F - B Worked Example.  

Worked example 2:

Follow this worked example to subtract 17F - 13.

Hex 17F - 13 Worked Example.  

Worked example 3:

Follow this worked example to subtract FF2 - FFF.

Hex FF2 - FFF Worked Example.  

Can hexadecimal numbers be negative?

Hexadecimal can be represented in negative numbers and can be done so in a variety of ways. The most common way is using Two’s Complement. To do this, for each digit subtract 15 (or F) from each digit and add 1. This is what is used to store numbers in computer systems. The other commonly used system is simply using signed numbers where you use a negative sign before the number.

Hexadecimal subtraction tables

This quick refrence table can be used to learn to subtract hexadecimal numbers.


Basic hexadecimal subtraction examples

Decimal SubtractionDecimal ResultHexadecimal SubtractionHexadecimal Result
10 - 46A - 46
15 - 78F - 78
20 - 51514 - 5A
16 - 10610 - A6
14 - 68E - 68
12 - 93C - 93
5 - 145 - 14
1 - 101 - 10

Hexadecimal arithmetic

Hexadecimal arithmetic can be performed for addition, multiplication, divisions and subtraction. Binary Tables has calculators for each of these which you can find below in the related tools.

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