Privacy Policy

Binary Tables does not collect, share or sell any infromation we collect from you. In order to provide our site and services we may at times collect data from our users for the purpose of analytics only to improve our services. By using our websites you are acknolwding the collection and processing of your personal information as described in this privacy policy.

What Information Do We Collect?

Binary Tables uses Google Analytics to monitor site usage in order to improve the quality of the pages, tools and offerings. Google Analytics may use cookies to collect statistical and non-personal data about your website usage. To learn more about Google Analytics please use the following links to learn more:

Binary Tables will not accept responsibility for the privacy practices of any linked websites found on our website. Our Privacy Policy does not apply to these third-party websites or services, and we are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of these linked websites. The privacy policies that apply to those other websites may differ substantially from our Privacy Policy, so we encourage individuals to read them before using those websites

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This privacy policy may change from time to time and without prior notice. Any changes to our privacy policy can be viewed here. It is the users responsibilty to check this privacy policy and keep up to date with any changes.