Binary to Decimal Table

Our 8 bit binary to decimal table will help you convert decimal numbers from 0 to 127 to binary.

Binary to Decimal Conversion Table

Binary Decimal
0 0
1 1
10 2
11 3
100 4
101 5
110 6
111 7
1000 8
1001 9
1010 10
1011 11
1100 12
1101 13
1110 14
1111 15
10000 16
10001 17
10010 18
10011 19
10100 20
10101 21
10110 22
10111 23
11000 24
11001 25
11010 26
11011 27
11100 28
11101 29
11110 30
11111 31
100000 32
100001 33
100010 34
100011 35
100100 36
100101 37
100110 38
100111 39
101000 40
101001 41
101010 42
101011 43
101100 44
101101 45
101110 46
101111 47
110000 48
110001 49
110010 50
110011 51
110100 52
110101 53
110110 54
110111 55
111000 56
111001 57
111010 58
111011 59
111100 60
111101 61
111110 62
111111 63
Binary Decimal
1000000 64
1000001 65
1000010 66
1000011 67
1000100 68
1000101 69
1000110 70
1000111 71
1001000 72
1001001 73
1001010 74
1001011 75
1001100 76
1001101 77
1001110 78
1001111 79
1010000 80
1010001 81
1010010 82
1010011 83
1010100 84
1010101 85
1010110 86
1010111 87
1011000 88
1011001 89
1011010 90
1011011 91
1011100 92
1011101 93
1011110 94
1011111 95
1100000 96
1100001 97
1100010 98
1100011 99
1100100 100
1100101 101
1100110 102
1100111 103
1101000 104
1101001 105
1101010 106
1101011 107
1101100 108
1101101 109
1101110 110
1101111 111
1110000 112
1110001 113
1110010 114
1110011 115
1110100 116
1110101 117
1110110 118
1110111 119
1111000 120
1111001 121
1111010 122
1111011 123
1111100 124
1111101 125
1111110 126
1111111 127

What is the binary number system?

Binary is a base 2 number system. The word binary is derived from the word “binarius,” which means “consisting of two.” Like the latin translation of the word suggests this is a counting system that consists of only two digits, 0 and 1. These two digits are used to represent all numbers.

In the binary system each digit’s value is based on the power of two. This means that every digit you move to the left in a binary number string represents a higher power of 2. This is different from a number system like decimal, which most of us use every day which instead uses a base-10 system and therefore each digit as you move to the left represents a higher power of 10.

Because binary is a base 2 number system with only two digits it very quickly becomes tiresome to count in binary. For example in binary is we were to count to ten:

1, 10, 11, 100, 101, 110, 111, 1000, 1001, 1010

This is a lot more complicated than counting in our base-10 decimal number system. Computers however use binary to process and store data as it is efficient for them because it aligns perfectly with their internal electronic circuits. Circuits can represent this data in two states: on (1) and off (0).

How is the binary number system different from the decimal number system?

The core difference between the decimal number system and the binary number system is that the decimal system uses 10 digits (0 to 9), while the binary system uses 2 digits (0 and 1).

In the decimal system place value increases by a power of ten every digit to the left.

However, in the binary number system place values increase by a power of two every digit to the left. .

Other number systems such as hexadecimal and octal, place values increase by a power of sixteen and eight respectively every digit to the left.

How to count in the binary number system?

Once you understand the fundamentals of binary it is quite easy to start counting in binary numbers. Like in decimal binary numbers begin at 0. The number one is then represented as 1 in binary (again just like decimal). Here is where it starts to get tricky. The number two is represented as 10. In binary this means 2 power of 1 (2) plus 1 power of zero (0). If we move to the number three we get 11 (two to the power of 1 (2) plus 1 power of one (0)).

Now if we want to move to four we need to add a new place value to the left. We therefore get 100. Breaking this down we get (four to the power of 1 (4) plus two to the power of 0 (2) plus 1 power of one (0)). From this we can see a pattern emerging. The next four numbers repeat the pattern, where we get. 101 (five), 110 (six), 111 (seven) and then 1000 (eight) where we need to increase the place value to a new power of two.