Binary is an alternative way of representing numbers with only two digits. These two digits are 1 and 0. Any number can be represented as a binary number using 1 and 0. Binary digits are used to represent numbers in computers and other digital systems.
Binary numbers can be used in much the same way as the decimal systems you were likely taught in school. In binary numbers, you can count, add, subtract, multiply and even divide!
Counting in binary is easy as we only have to worry about two digits. The first two numbers in binary are 0 and 1. Let’s look at how to count to ten in binary.
Let's look at some common examples of what certain numbers are in binary and decimal.
In binary zero is also 0.
In binary one is also 1.
In binary two is 10.
In binary three is 11.
In binary four is 100.
In binary sixteen is 10000.
In binary thirty-two is 100000.
In binary two is 1000000.
In binary two is 10000000.
Now that you have learned about binary numbers, try these twenty practice questions to help test your knowledge.
Here are some calculators that can help you with binary numbers:
Here are some converters that can help you with binary numbers:
Here are some resources that can help you learn more about binary numbers: