Binary to Octal Conversion Calculator

Convert Binary to Octal with our free conversion tool.


Binary Octal Converter

The above binary to octal conversion calculator allows you to convert binary numbers to octal numbers. Binary numbers are used in computer systems to process numbers. While not as popular as hexadecimal, sometimes octal is used in computer systems due to its advantages in human readability, storage compactness and ability to correspond with typical memory addressing schemes that are multiples of four (for example 32-bit and 64-bit computer systems).

Having a binary octal converter handy, like the free tool above is useful for those learning different number systems and how to convert between them. Understanding binary numbers and historically used systems like octal is key in many computer and technology courses.

How to convert from binary to octal?

To convert binary to octal is easy because of the rule of binary threes. The rule of binary threes means you can group three digits of binary together and then turn these into an octal number. The process of converting binary to octal starts the binary digits into sets of three starting from the right. If you run out of groups of three you can pad the remaining digits with zeros. At the next stage, you need to convert the groups of threes to octal digits. Use the quick reference table below to help convert these groups of three to octal.

Octal Threes Table


Once you have converted all the digits, write down the octal digits to get your final answer. To check that you have correctly learnt how to convert binary to octal use our free binary to octal conversion calculator above.

5 Quick Facts about Octal

  1. Octal was widely used in older computer systems for memory addressing and instruction sets such as the Digital Equipment Corporations PDP-8 (released back in 1965) and PDP-11 (1970) computers!
  2. Octal is a base 8 numbers system, it uses eight symbols or digits (0-7) to represent numbers.
  3. Octal is used to represent file permissions in unix-based operating systems, Octal triplets (e.g. 775) are used to specify permissions for the over, group and others in a read, write and execute-based system.
  4. While not often used in modern-day computing due to the uptake of the hexadecimal system, octal is still occasionally found in older low-level programming systems such as some assembly languages
  5. Each octal digit corresponds to exactly three binary digits or bits. For example, the octal number 53 is 101011 in binary. Take a look at the graphic below to see how this works exactly!

Octal Binary Threes.

How to use the Binary to Octal Converter

Use the free binary to octal converter by typing your enter number into the text bo and clicking "convert" to convert the number to octal.


Binary Tables is a free online resource to help you learn about the binary number system and how to convert between binary and other number systems. We provide a range of free calculators and tools for binary and other number systems.

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