Our free hex decimal converter allows you to convert hex numbers to decimal numbers. This may be useful when working on computer systems that use hexadecimal numbers to represent binary numbers, memory addresses, color representation (hexadecimal colors) or even for networking purposes for MAC and IP addresses. If you are working with any of these technologies listed above then it is likely at some point you will need to convert hex numbers to decimal. Use our free hex decimal calculator below to make sure you get your conversions correct.
Many computer systems use the hexadecimal system to store binary numbers efficiently. Hexadecimal numbers are used in memory addressing, network addressing, character encoding such as Unicode, image file formats and commonly colour codes. If you work with computer systems regularly it is likely that you will at some stage come across a hexadecimal number. You can double-check you have converted this correctly to decimal in our free tool above or try our hex binary converter if you need to convert to binary instead.
If you need to convert hex to decimal yourself then follow our really simple step-by-step instructions below to get started:
Use the free hexadecimal to decimal converter by typing your type in number into the text bo and clicking "convert" to convert the number to decimal.
Binary Tables is a free online resource to help you learn about the binary number system and how to convert between binary and other number systems. We provide a range of free calculators and tools for binary and other number systems.