Decimal to Hex Table

Our decimal to hex table will help you convert basic decimal numbers hexadecimal numbers.

Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion Table

Decimal Hex
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
Decimal Hex
8 8
9 9
10 a
11 b
12 c
13 d
14 e
15 f

How to use the Decimal to Hexadecimal Table?

Our free decimal-to-hex table makes it easy to convert decimal numbers to hexadecimal. Simply find your decimal number and the table will reveal the corresponding hexadecimal number. The table will highlight as you hover over each row to make sure you get your binary to hexadecimal conversion correct.

Why does the Binary to Hexadecimal Table only go up to 15?

This simple binary to hexadecimal table only reveals the first 15 numbers of the hexadecimal number system. This is a super useful tool for learning basic hex. In the hex number system, there are 16 unique characters. These include the numbers 0 through 9 and the numbers A through to F. To represent the number 16 in hexadecimal you can write it as 10. If you want to convert large decimal numbers to hexadecimal try our extended decimal to hex table here.

Can Hexadecimal Represent Irrational Numbers?

Yes, as well as being used to represent rational numbers. Hexadecimal can be used to represent irrational numbers. Some common irrational numbers in hexadecimal include:

Where does the Word Hexadecimal Come From?

The earliest reference to the current form of the hexadecimal system and the word hexadecimal is back in the 1960s replacing earlier proposals of the system called “sexadecimal”. This was later renamed to hexadecimal which is a mix of the Greek (“hex”) for six with Latin (“decimal”). This adoption came with many computing advances of the 1960s including IBM’s Fortran programming language.

Can Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division be done with Hexadecimal?

Yes, all the above mathematical operations can be performed in the hexadecimal (or any) number systems. We provide some free useful calculators to help you perform and check these operations that you can find here: