Octal to Decimal Table

This octal to decimal table will help you convert octal numbers to decimal.

Octal to Decimal Conversion Table

Octal Decimal
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
10 8
11 9
12 10
13 11
14 12
15 13
16 14
17 15
20 16
21 17
22 18
23 19
24 20
25 21
26 22
27 23
30 24
31 25
32 26
33 27
34 28
35 29
36 30
37 31
40 32
41 33
42 34
43 35
44 36
45 37
46 38
47 39
50 40
51 41
52 42
53 43
54 44
55 45
56 46
57 47
60 48
61 49
62 50
63 51
64 52
65 53
66 54
67 55
70 56
71 57
72 58
73 59
74 60
75 61
76 62
77 63
Octal Decimal
100 64
101 65
102 66
103 67
104 68
105 69
106 70
107 71
110 72
111 73
112 74
113 75
114 76
115 77
116 78
117 79
120 80
121 81
122 82
123 83
124 84
125 85
126 86
127 87
130 88
131 89
132 90
133 91
134 92
135 93
136 94
137 95
140 96
141 97
142 98
143 99
144 100
145 101
146 102
147 103
150 104
151 105
152 106
153 107
154 108
155 109
156 110
157 111
160 112
161 113
162 114
163 115
164 116
165 117
166 118
167 119
170 120
171 121
172 122
173 123
174 124
175 125
176 126
177 127

How to use the decimal to octal table

The decimal to octal table helps you to convert decimal numbers to octal numbers. Decimal numbers use a base 10 digit system that has ten digits. Octal is a base 8 digit system that has 8 digits. This means that the first eight digits are the same in both systems. However the ninth digit (8 in decimal) is represented as 10 in octal.

Quick Facts: Octal vs Decimal

  1. Octal is a base 8 system
  2. Decimal is a base 10 system
  3. Octal uses digits 0-7
  4. Decimal uses the digits 0-7
  5. Three binary digits can be directly transformed to 1 octal digits
  6. Octal was used in early computer processors
  7. Octal was used in programming languages such as assembly
  8. Octal has places values that are powers of 8

How to convert decimal to octal?

To convert a decimal number to octal you need to take the decimal number and decide it by 8. From here, record both the quotient and remainder. Putting the remainder to one side, continue to divide the quotient until it is zero. Combine the remainders (from last to first) to get your result. Alternatively use our free octal to decimal conversion calculator.